

Sherry Aikman…

Living in our social media infatuated world filled with #hashtags, I find myself defining my photography as #off the beaten path as I explore small towns along the back-roads and #all that remains as I walk through cemeteries and the extermination camps of the Holocaust. #take time to notice inspires me to capture the beauty and creatures in nature. #magic in unexpected places leads me down alleyways in search of street art murals and I delight in finding patterns created by age, rust, and weather #on the wings of whimsy....
to capture a moment
to freeze time
to evoke a feeling
to draw you into my vision...
I invite you to consider each piece an invitation to wonder and then wander through the colors, the places, the objects that have caught your eye...
to carry you to another place
to create an unexpected ripple in your perceptions
to move you beyond yourself...